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May 28, 2008



I don't know any kids with bug collections but I do know quite a few people with flea collections.

You could make one of your broaches to look like a flea by painting think bands across the back and adding six long legs down the sides.

Katie Hacker

super cute bug pins, candie louise!

guess who's kid has a screened-in bug house all ready to go for lightning bug season?


Your nephew is scared of bugs right now, a fly bit him on the neck so he's petrified. And we have Barry the Bee living in our Rock garden...Bee Movie. Oh yeah, and your nephew saved every earth worm from the tiller in the garden, he's a fisherman. Oh, how I miss you Bug and your nephew does too.

Cindy Gimbrone

Oh Candie! Those bugs are sooooo cute! I really enjoyed your story about bugs, the flea circus, the ant farm and your nickname. The story adds so much charm to the pins. Lovely work!


Cindy Gimbrone

Oh Candie! Those bugs are sooooo cute! I really enjoyed your story about bugs, the flea circus, the ant farm and your nickname. The story adds so much charm to the pins. Lovely work!



Hi Candie! I love the bugs.I live in Texas and the lighting bugs are out and it brings back alot of memorys of my youth.

Cindy Lietz, Polymer Clay Tutor

Oooohh those are adorable!! I have a couple of beaded ladybugs pinned to my mousepad, and your darling little bugs make me want to get more!!

Linda at Make It Mine


Love the colors on the bugs! And, as always, the story that you tell with it.

When my nephews come to visit in the summer, one of their big events is going outside to catch lightning bugs. I guess they don't have them in Arizona. But it's fun to watch them catch them and hear the gleeful sounds--childhood!



How sweet...reminds me that my DD's nickname was "doodlebug" when she was a baby...those look like doodlebugs. :)

Kriss Cramer


Beautiful bugs! They are great -- colorful and lots of fun. I love your story, Bug....I mean Candie!

candie cooper

Great stories! Thanks for adding to the fun. Oh, and I thought of another one. "JITTER-BUG"!

Jean Yates

man I thought so hard and YOU got them all!
buggety bug!

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