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June 19, 2008



I hear the fabric is inexpensive as it the tailoring..oh lordy I'd be going crazy with my vintage pattern magazines and Fredericks catalogs if I lived there! I've have the best vintage repro wardrobe ever!!!

No hot water for washing?? ouch, thats one thing I would really miss, I love the smell of hot bleached white laundry!

and hte necklace is lovely too-how fun to work a booth for Plaid!!!!


I love that red print.....I would have 200 shirts made up by now if I had access to a tailor....

Melissa J. Lee

I bought tons of beautiful embroidered fabric when I visited Hong Kong in the mid-90s, and it's all still sitting in a chest somewhere, because I don't sew, and I haven't found a tailor local to where I live to have something made up with all of it. So silly, but it was too hard to resist. I love your new print fabric and the necklace, as usual, is fab.

Melissa J. Lee

I bought tons of beautiful embroidered fabric when I visited Hong Kong in the mid-90s, and it's all still sitting in a chest somewhere, because I don't sew, and I haven't found a tailor local to where I live to have something made up with all of it. So silly, but it was too hard to resist. I love your new print fabric and the necklace, as usual, is fab.

Jean Yates

How is it that I love everything that you do??? AND write!!!


I'm not going to go to CHA this time :( Sounds like you have a good gig going with Plaid. I saw you working with them last time and kept hoping to be able to stop by and chat, but you were always busy...and I'm also gotta be on the down low and everything since I'm technically competition. Oh, well. Hope you have fun. D-art is going to be there, but more doing scrapbooking stuff. I really wish I could go, though.

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