Just another picture of food...sorry. I was sitting down to eat and thought, I love this kind of breakfast. Yogurt. Dry cereal. Fruit. Done. I also love bacon, french toast and scrambled eggs, but it's not that kind of morning. You have to plan for that kind of breakfast. Last night I grilled fish for dinner and that pretty much did me in on planned meals. ;)
I prepped some photo things this morning for my new beading book, next it's over to church to hear a friend sing and back to the photographing. It's gloomy here and Rocky has been lazy all morning. Dogs really know how to live it up on these sort of days. I'm a bit envious. Couch. Curled up. Sleep. Done. I just heard him let out a big sigh. It's like he knows I'm typing about him.
I'm reading The Alchemist finally thanks to a good friend putting it in my lap. I haven't read in forever (other than magazines). It's such a small book, but 50 pages in and already giving me so much to think about. I love that.
I hope you are having a great weekend wherever you are doing whatever makes you happy!