Easter is in full bloom here at the cabin. I wanted to show you a few egg ideas and share an awesome cookie recipe. First up on the left are some little bird eggs my mom made with her library club at school a few years ago. The pattern can be found on Martha's website.
Next we have some painted eggs with Folk Art paints and scrapbook embellishments that are super easy and fast to whip up for a last minute Easter craft get-together or gifties. I've got a guest blog post on them over at the Paint Me Plaid blog.
Third, is a link to the best chocolate chip cookie I've had in a long time. We had dinner with friends last week and I was in charge of a veg and dessert. It was one of those days where the idea of going to the grocery store after work sounded about as fun as clipping Rocker's toe nails. Ok, sorry. That wasn't nice to bring up in the company of food, but....you get my point. I mentally scavenged through the cabinets. I was so happy when I realized there were sweet potatoes waiting to be french fries and a bag of chocolate chips. I was determined (and que Eye of the Tiger). She shoots.......and scores! Chocolate Chip Peanut Butter Oatmeal cookies, everbody! Woot woot! Share the love.
Lastly, are some more eggs my momma, Jean, made back in the day. I love the simplicity of them. Color the eggs, Mod Podge a pretty image (check out Dover clip art books for images) and then glue a piece of velvet ribbon around the edge. These were ornaments once upon a time, but I like them nestled in a basket on the dresser. Sweet. Just like Jean.